Friday, October 15, 2010

Thursday and Junior

Thursday, was great with Junior. I flunked the test in my soil science test, so I needed a pick me up. Junior was darling. I had given the spurs I've been borrowing back, so I was uber impressed when he moved off my leg better then before. I will get the spurs back, but I think I will start hanging them on the fence as and in-case measure, instead of simply wearing them from the get-go. We went on a longest trail ride yet and he saw some new things. He just went with the flow without a second thought. I cantered him for a stretch and he just went at his own nice pace.

I'm so use to riding and it being so exciting, that I think when I do go lazy about it almost is boring. Thursday, was relaxing though instead of boring. We also saw his sister being worked with. The girl who works with her was popping balloons on her. Junior thought that this was strange, but didn't really react. I'm so use to the TB's that I was ready for this huge leap into the air.

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