Sunday, December 5, 2010

Leftover Casserole

It was a success!!! Muhahaha!!! I took the rest of the ham and some of the turkey that Josh's mom gave us for the meat. First I lined the bottom with mashed potatoes. Next, the meat went in as a full and thick layer. Then, I added a good layer of broccoli, sprinkled some onion and parsley. One half had tomatoes sprinkled on it as well. Then, I mixed some beef broth (sadly not well enough) with mustard and pored it over the whole thing. I sprinkled pepper, a little garlic powder, and a dash of cyan pepper over it. Finally, I pored the rest of the beef stock on it. I baked it on 225 for a good while.

This morning it was delicious for lunch. Though a bowl is a bit better for it. There is nothing keeping it stuck together and there was still a lot of beef stock.

Monday, November 22, 2010


Our neighbors found two adorable black puppies yesterday hiding under their heating unit. They came over and asked us to keep them, since we have an enclosed backyard. I'm currently waiting for the humane society to open, so I can flipping get them into the vets for a needed check up. They are wormy and very underfed. However, they didn't have fleas. We're pretty sure they were just dropped off. The skinny little things were dehydrated and very hungry.

Josh and I ran out to get them food yesterday and grabbed them collars and one of those four packs of toys as well. They are currently called Red and Blue because that is their collar colors. This makes life easier, since the only real difference in them, is one is .7lbs heavier and one has a bit longer of hair. Otherwise, the little boys are identical.

Ariana has been having fun playing with them at times, but is generally feeling very put-upon. Molly doesn't mind what they do, so long as they don't steal her attention. We're probably going to foster them, until they can find homes. We all took a very nice walk this morning too through the woods.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Pancakes, Cookies, Scrotums, and Lesson Plans

Pancakes and cookies have something common, but thats it. Josh is amazing and made me cookies and I found a pancake recipe and he made those as well. OMG it is all so delicious!!!!

Scrotums in referring to my little colt's getting cut off either this next weekend or the one following. I don't remember which. I think its the later. He'll be put under, since he is a chiporchid and they'll need to cut him open to try and find the second one. I get to be there for the surgery, but if its the later weekend I'll probably leave before he wakes because I'll be going home. I'm excited and scared.

Lesson plans is the three I need to make up and am about to slaughter. I'm just so tired of it all I guess. I may go out and play with Junior just to get away from these evil things. I have a couple of hours on WOW saved up from getting work done.

I do adore this new system. I have rated all my assignments with how much time I get on WOW to play when they are done. I can't wait till tonight to play some. I might start instituting it as more of jack off time instead. I don't know. Its fun all the same.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Getting sick is totally worth it

Yesterday, I did awesomely at the show! I got one fifth place. All three of the classes I went in had at least 23 or more people. I rode the best I have ever ridden before. I almost won the last class which had a $65 pay out for 1st place. I hit the last rail though. We got our time at 25 seconds which would have won. I've never asked him to gallop on before, so its understandable that we didn't make it. He was so wonderful. He settled completely after the first class. Its the first time we've gone to a show and he's settled like that. I'm really, really happy with the whole day.

Today, I am sick though. I was getting sick before and the long day was no help. I had to drive back to Murray today because I just couldn't the night before. I'm still feeling awful as you can guess by the horrible writing. I am really just hoping to get to my civ and soil science classes tomorrow. I will probably have to skip my riding class again. God I want chicken soup!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Thursday and Junior

Thursday, was great with Junior. I flunked the test in my soil science test, so I needed a pick me up. Junior was darling. I had given the spurs I've been borrowing back, so I was uber impressed when he moved off my leg better then before. I will get the spurs back, but I think I will start hanging them on the fence as and in-case measure, instead of simply wearing them from the get-go. We went on a longest trail ride yet and he saw some new things. He just went with the flow without a second thought. I cantered him for a stretch and he just went at his own nice pace.

I'm so use to riding and it being so exciting, that I think when I do go lazy about it almost is boring. Thursday, was relaxing though instead of boring. We also saw his sister being worked with. The girl who works with her was popping balloons on her. Junior thought that this was strange, but didn't really react. I'm so use to the TB's that I was ready for this huge leap into the air.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

National Coming Out Day

I'm glad a blog I'm following (eventing a gogo) wrote this.. I'm going into teaching, but I was also bullied when I was younger. I was bullied all through middle school for various things, but it included being gay. In high school a 'friend' started the rumors back up. The kicker is, I really have a strong sense of sexuality. I like men and while I'm not afraid of kissing a girl, it doesn't do a damn thing for me. In high school though one of my main tormentors never understood why she couldn't get under my skin. By that point, I had learned that if it wasn't me it would be someone else and frankly I didn't care what she thought. I would stand up to her all the time and tell her yes I did like girls in a sarcastic tone and if she wanted to believe it I didn't care because I knew she wasn't going any where in life with her attitude problems. I also helped keep the stress off of some of my friends who were gay. My personal favorite come back ever was to the above mentioned girl, "Wow you are really obsessed with me aren't you." She made it her job to pester me and frankly after I said that everyone would stare at her because it was true and they realized it.

Another important side of this I feel is freedom of religion. I don't believe we need to allow people to push theirs on other people. I do wish though we spent more time trying to be accepting. I don't know what to 'categorize' myself as, but I have related to Wiccans. It is very hard living in Kentucky and having so many people expect you to know the bible. Its harder when you say I don't believe in the bible and then you are out cast. This hasn't happened to me tons, but currently I am in a CIV class and the bible is coming up a lot because we're in early civilizations. Our class just the other day was going off about how It was wrong that Before Christ (BC) was changed to Before Common Era (BCE). They thought it was bs and that they shouldn't be discriminated as such. I didn't say a word because I knew it wasn't worth the time, but all I could think about was how I didn't really believe in Christ and how its kind of nice, not judging time by him.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Grilled out

I tried grilling out again and burnt it again. Last time I tried I was at my parents house. So 0/2. Oh well I told Josh he's going to have to suffer through that newlywed cooking. I made barbecue chicken with creamy Italian rice. I thought up the rice myself. Josh gives it good reviews though.

Italian Rice
3 tbs Italian seasoning
1/2 c rice
1 tbs onion powder
1 pinch of salt

Off to see Junior. Little boy has been out since yesterday about noon.