Sunday, October 31, 2010

Pancakes, Cookies, Scrotums, and Lesson Plans

Pancakes and cookies have something common, but thats it. Josh is amazing and made me cookies and I found a pancake recipe and he made those as well. OMG it is all so delicious!!!!

Scrotums in referring to my little colt's getting cut off either this next weekend or the one following. I don't remember which. I think its the later. He'll be put under, since he is a chiporchid and they'll need to cut him open to try and find the second one. I get to be there for the surgery, but if its the later weekend I'll probably leave before he wakes because I'll be going home. I'm excited and scared.

Lesson plans is the three I need to make up and am about to slaughter. I'm just so tired of it all I guess. I may go out and play with Junior just to get away from these evil things. I have a couple of hours on WOW saved up from getting work done.

I do adore this new system. I have rated all my assignments with how much time I get on WOW to play when they are done. I can't wait till tonight to play some. I might start instituting it as more of jack off time instead. I don't know. Its fun all the same.

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