Monday, November 22, 2010


Our neighbors found two adorable black puppies yesterday hiding under their heating unit. They came over and asked us to keep them, since we have an enclosed backyard. I'm currently waiting for the humane society to open, so I can flipping get them into the vets for a needed check up. They are wormy and very underfed. However, they didn't have fleas. We're pretty sure they were just dropped off. The skinny little things were dehydrated and very hungry.

Josh and I ran out to get them food yesterday and grabbed them collars and one of those four packs of toys as well. They are currently called Red and Blue because that is their collar colors. This makes life easier, since the only real difference in them, is one is .7lbs heavier and one has a bit longer of hair. Otherwise, the little boys are identical.

Ariana has been having fun playing with them at times, but is generally feeling very put-upon. Molly doesn't mind what they do, so long as they don't steal her attention. We're probably going to foster them, until they can find homes. We all took a very nice walk this morning too through the woods.

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