Thursday, February 11, 2010

QC Love IT!!!!!

"Sorry your daddy's dead, twinkle-tits, but suck it up already."F

"I love you, but I have to say the mystery has been dead for a while now."M "That's good cause I just farted on you."D

New World Leader

Google is definitely taking over the world, but I can live with that. They at least offer decent products that don't seemingly screw you over at every turn.

I am however, getting a bit to much stuff to read... If I read everything I get I would definitely not have time to even sleep. WAY to much out there.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Gmail in MB

Gmail is so awesome they like to give me a little sentence at the bottom of the page that says I'm only use 47 MB of your 4720 MB meaning its not even registrable.